Bless “Said” Are the Peace Makers: An Op-Ed Article By Dr. Clovis Somehow I feel swept up by a whirlwind and tossed about. I’m not in America any more. And I’m certainly not in Oz. Maybe the dystopian novel 1984? Or worse yet, the 1930s. During the 1930s, the Anti-Defamation League fought the KKK. Hitler came to power in Europe. The NAACP engaged in peaceful protests and fought legal challenges of discrimination in the courts. But today, in 2017, we….. CUSTOMER TESTIMONIALS Remarkably vivid by Michael Quantum Leaps in Princeton’s Place is a wonderfully written book that brings us back to a time in Princeton’s history that although may have smatterings of a noir past, it manages to brightly depict the perseverance of the human spirit despite familial adversity. The author, Dr. Donna Clovis, does a superb job capturing her readership through extensive research. She masterfully intertwines her personal experience which gives this book a seamless flow that ‘this reader’…..
“It was the cold, damp air that permeated the cement buildings and our bodies,” Ernie started his story, “And the endless screams at midnight from the bunker section in the Dachau concentration camp… The shrills shattered our spirits and I often wondered about the civilians living right outside the walls that ignored our cries for help.” This image is still embedded in my memory. Ernie was a 91-year-old Holocaust survivor who told us his personal story. It was through my…..
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On September 17th, 2016 at the “I Can Do It” Conference with Hay House located at the Philadelphia Convention Center in PA at 10:30 am, I will be signing copies of my book, Quantum Leaps in Princeton’s Place. Please stop in if you live nearby. Copies of the book are available on,, and And for those who have purchased and read the book, I am working on the sequel. Will keep you posted. Enjoy!
Purchase Quantum Leaps in Princeton’s Place for more summer reading from the Hay House web site at and enter the book into a contest for how many books are sold through the Hay House website during the month of July! Happy Summer Reading!
Some are asking about my current book, Quantum Leaps in Princeton’s Place, and want to know how it is doing. It is doing well. Lots of people that I meet are picking up a copy and writing great reviews (See the reviews under I just presented the book at a session in Tuscon, Arizona at a conference called, Toward a Consciousness. It was received very well. And a major book signing has been scheduled at the Philadelphia Convention Center…..
Writing is the journey toward an idea. One step. Then two steps through the darkness, descending down a staircase of twists and turns in a deep pursuit that evades time. It is a circular concentration of thought and a meditation in faith. For its birth will come through prayers of perseverance. Sometimes illusions become obstacles that distort the pathway and false appearances linger only to cause a back-up, a hesitation to find another way through this labyrinth of thoughts. Stone…..
A College Narrative by Masai “When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile” – Unknown Ssstreeetchhh! I reach my arms over my head. Then I pull my legs back. These are my warm ups. I am a runner. As a cross country athlete, I feel pain in every part of my body. My training is tough, but this is my love and my passion. As…..
It’s that time of year again. The weather is getting better and we can spend more time at the beach, on a lake, in the mountains, and on an island. Some people have trouble selecting one or more books to embrace during this time. Here are some ways of making your decisions: Take a short browse through your local book store under your favorite topics. Visit other sections in the book store that you would not normally read about. Take…..