Available on amazon.com today! A back door opens…a book within a book within a book down the rabbit hole. It continues the novels about Princeton present and future. Review available on Kirkus Reviews.
You are invited! https://www.smore.com/anjcz
Writing is like drawing pictures of stories to be told. Word by word and line by line, the figures are carefully drawn into characters that speak and feel with twisted plots and journeys into chapter realms. And Kirkus Reviews was instrumental in giving me a non-biased review on not only one book, but three books in a series that I am currently writing. They have served as a foundation for my creative work. As a writer and journalist, I love…..
Take a look at the new web site designed by Balboa Press for the third book of the trilogy: The Future is My Past: https://www.donnaclovis.com
Article by the Princeton Sun explains how the trilogy about Princeton began with Quantum Leaps in Princeton’s Place by Dr. Donna Clovis and ends with The Future is My Past. theprincetonsun.com/2016/01/18/quantum-leaps-in-princetons-place/
The third book of my trilogy of novels,The Future is My Past, just released on amazon.com! Also, Kirkus.com Reviews has also posted their review! Please check it out!
The second sequel book called, Six Doors Down, will be featured at the Barnes and Noble in Princeton, New Jersey on October 10th, 2017 at 6:00. In addition, other book signings include: Plainsboro Public Library on October 7th, Princeton Public Library on November 13th at 7:00, and the NJEA Convention in Atlantic City on November 9, 10! And the third book of the trilogy is to follow! It is currently being written in Einstein’s classroom at Princeton University… More to…..
Drawing Stories Using Words